Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Klopčič - Dom Litostroj, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Klopčič - not at all pretentious, workers lunch place near Litostroj, doing decent catering also. Recommended for reality check on multiple levels. Sobering, recession proof.

A.K. - Associate dean at ERUDIO Business School, born and raised in Kranj, lives in Adergas under Štefanja gora, Erudio is latin for instruct/cultivate, used to work for FSD, was school counsellor and taught knowledge management, runs 21km with Runtastic, likes swimming, has 4 kids, listens to Audible books, recently Gladwell's Outliers and recommends The Happiness Advantage, plays Teach Me French to kids during bedtime and will one day improve school system in general to be more goal oriented and proactive, not unlike Kipp in US.

A safe bet that Klopcic is the biggest bang for the buck. Or fullest stomach for the Euro in this case.

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