Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gostilna Jerinček, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gostilna Jerinček - down the road of the more famous Jurček, but still a decent quick-business lunch place. Daily menus, fast service, efficiency over fancy. Throughput optimized with a nice terrace. 

Mitja Simčič - founder and owner of Kupi, not related to Simčič wines, FRI graduate, did parallel EF study, but dropped it disappointed, Cotrugli MBA Alumni and just recently elected Alumni Club President, started with golf, used to be a DJ, regular Ibiza goer, recently married, re-read Sun Tzu's Art of War, plans to read 360 Degree Feedback, will one day end up as teacher and coach, probably in the field of mathematics and problem solving, while - through wife's influence - becoming increasingly eco-friendly and animal friendly. Solving the Art of 360 Degree Caring.

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