Friday, September 2, 2011

Lotus, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Lotus - former ćevapi grill place Maratonec succumbed to the effectiveness of nimble Chinese restaurants sprawling in the city. This one is a really nice one. Recommended. Come quickly before the word gets around and it will be crowded.

Martin Wirtz - knows his onions in direct marketing at his own company MSC Adriatics and also serves as Slovenian first CCO - Chief Ćevapi Officer at his Ćevapi club of Slovenia, born Londoner, mother line from Lithuania, but always stating that she's Prussian, father line from Switzerland, now living in Vodice in Slovenia, was using BANT 20 years ago at JBA, used to be Dragracer, Mini racer, know Slovenian drifter scene, owned a Carver 36 motorboat, read Jaws - the book, interested in 101 airborn easy company story, had to refurbish a Merlin engine while working for Rolls-Royce, know also the Polish heroic aspect of the Battle for Britain and will more and more give to people that are in need. Of everything. 
(Cross posted also on Splet Okusov.)

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