Saturday, September 3, 2011

Konoba Stari Podrum, Momjan, Croatia

Konoba Stari Podrum - if you want to eat really good in Istria, that's the place to go. Magic summer evenings take place hear. Also great for a warm up dinner before a major birthday party. 40 is the number, Momjan is the direction. Totally recommended.

Boris Vukobrat - great restaurant and great food connoisseur, born in Kranj with international blood, father from Nakovo/Kikinda, mother from Zagreb, grandfather from Maribor, works at A Banka, sporstman, big on football and basket, loves Balkan beats and good eats, reads Osho's Tantra Sexuality and Sex and will one day have his own set of restaurants to challenge Michelin on number of stars. Bon apetit!

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