Friday, September 23, 2011

Picerija Savlje, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Picerija Savlje - one of those nothing special places. They serve decent food. And that's about it. Not missing much if you don't stop by.

Kristjan Stamatović - managing family logistics business ALFA SP, Šiška resident, Zois grant receiver as Zlati Maturant, graduated management at Warwick with post graduate at LSE with thesis on how distance effects pricing on Gorenje case, had one semester at Chicago Booth, worked for OneWorldWeek and Warwick Economics Summit, thus competing for attention with TEDxWarwick, was president at Gimnazija Bežigrad, travels less now, reading Scott Peck and will one day buy-out all corruption and buy-in top quality staff into school system. Top. 

Success recipes - featuring Kristjan.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Element, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Element - one of the latest editions to Kaval Group family. Very stylish, not too pricey. Recommended to try. And return often. And again.

Tomaž Erjavec - product manager for OTC at Medis, born and raised in Celje, worked as lifeguard in Portorož, ate pizzas all summer, did not gain weight and still loves them, now lives in Ljubljana, graduated at FM in Celje branch, worked for Danone, Bosch and Top Farm, active skydiver with 20+ jumps behind him - including one from helicopter, doing 21km half-marathons, is expecting his first son soon, reading BCG's On Strategy and will one day have unlimited subscription to Amazon books while having his own skydiving business. Flying Kindle.

Pirates of the CAR-ibbean. Unique. Fair winds and following seas.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Na Gradu, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Na Gradu - "Decidedly upmarket in appearance and service, the prices are surprisingly modest - especially given the truly unique location and dining experience that goes along with it. Na Gradu's award-winning chefs pride themselves on the expert preparation of Slovenia's diverse range of traditional dishes, which have been developed over the centuries in the country's 24 separate gastronomic regions, with nearly all of the ingredients being locally produced." - by In Your Pocket Ljubljana

Andreja Lajh - the networking lady, most connected Slovenian on Linkedin and Ecademy, born and raised in Maribor, where they used to be the only Lajh family, part of Krajnčič family, as ALU was not yet shaped up, she studied architecture, but refused to finish, landed her first designer job with Lek and won in direct competition with Janez Suhadolc - her professor, worked for Eurodesign, McCann, Imelda Ogilvy and Domina Grand Media where she had an interesting private jet experience with T-Com project, running her Carpe Diem enogastronomy networking events club, currently engaged in Koppert Cress tour through Italy, speaks Italian, English and German, hijacked an evening at Identitagolose with top brass cooks and wine makers, knows that food is the new rock and roll and will strive to raise the level of "fooding" in Slovenia, EU and everywhere else. Carpe diem. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Alaya, Portorož, Slovenia

Alaya - the hottest summer night place in Portorož. A must visit during high season.

Andrej Korošec - born and raised in Gorica, works at family company Projektiva Gorica, does not like to be photographed while eating, reads Little Secret given by Dejan, is an avid football player, is a straight talker and will one day become premier. With a purpose.

Mojca Žagar - works for Abanka in marketing, born and raised in Celje, studied at EF, Masters degree from FDV, apprentice at Delo, worked also at MDDSZ, is very much into antique restoration, renovation and recylcling, is reading Samarkand by Maalouf and will one day launch Stara Roba Nova Raba type of professional business. Up-cycling is the word.

Much later in Ljubljana. Much true everywhere.

Konoba Stari Podrum, Momjan, Croatia

Konoba Stari Podrum - if you want to eat really good in Istria, that's the place to go. Magic summer evenings take place hear. Also great for a warm up dinner before a major birthday party. 40 is the number, Momjan is the direction. Totally recommended.

Boris Vukobrat - great restaurant and great food connoisseur, born in Kranj with international blood, father from Nakovo/Kikinda, mother from Zagreb, grandfather from Maribor, works at A Banka, sporstman, big on football and basket, loves Balkan beats and good eats, reads Osho's Tantra Sexuality and Sex and will one day have his own set of restaurants to challenge Michelin on number of stars. Bon apetit!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lotus, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Lotus - former ćevapi grill place Maratonec succumbed to the effectiveness of nimble Chinese restaurants sprawling in the city. This one is a really nice one. Recommended. Come quickly before the word gets around and it will be crowded.

Martin Wirtz - knows his onions in direct marketing at his own company MSC Adriatics and also serves as Slovenian first CCO - Chief Ćevapi Officer at his Ćevapi club of Slovenia, born Londoner, mother line from Lithuania, but always stating that she's Prussian, father line from Switzerland, now living in Vodice in Slovenia, was using BANT 20 years ago at JBA, used to be Dragracer, Mini racer, know Slovenian drifter scene, owned a Carver 36 motorboat, read Jaws - the book, interested in 101 airborn easy company story, had to refurbish a Merlin engine while working for Rolls-Royce, know also the Polish heroic aspect of the Battle for Britain and will more and more give to people that are in need. Of everything. 
(Cross posted also on Splet Okusov.)