Monday, November 15, 2010

Azur, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Azur - trattoria with pizza as they like to call themselves. A very nice place that draws business lunchees from nearby Tehnološki Park. Recommended. Even for busy business lunch.

Daniela Bervar - Country manager for Slovenia at Cotrugli Business School, born and raised in Maribor, her grandfather Marijan being a renown plastic and reconstructive surgeon from VMA alumni that also operated on Tito and is lecturing on novel approaches in his field, she used to work in PR for CMT and Laguna, did business events moderation, has IB Diploma from Druga Gimnazija Maribor, was part of a show on Radio Salomon known as Lady D and had a business show on TV Paprika, was also involved in student politics and singing, walks her dog Bacon, is reading Ana Karenina and Putin's Russia, recent Cotrugli EMBA graduate, working on her PhD thesis under Dejan Vercic's supervision, later sees herself in politics and will one day create a fund that would support talents she would encounter. Supporting encounters.

Gostilna Rožna Hiša - down the road from Azur. Next time.


Blaarp said...

I'm not too sure Rozna Hisa is a particularly good choice. It's not much better than the old Marn used to be.

Matej said...

Only one way to find out ...