Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oranžerija, Mengeš, Slovenija

Oranžerija - a very nice and popular place in Mengeš, close to elementary school. Symbolic for the gathering that night - B class of 1990 of that school. They are proud of their garden.

Andrej Škrlep - raised and rooted in Mengeš, wood-craft professional, managing his company Silvatica - father already left the company to his son, but still lingers on the website :), supplying mostly pharmacies with a-la-cart furnishing, 1 year old daughter and spends unconventionally lot of time with her, parallel reader, among other books Alenka Rebula, used to play tarock (tarot) a lot, did not go far with piano lessons, but still plays pipe organ, got his skipper license from Bojan Franko, who set to sail around the world, but stopped in America - so Columbish - and loves sailing with him since. One day he will just sail and sail. And sail.

Polona Razpotnik (u.t.b.k.a. Zalokar) -lives in Moste, manages a small bar adjacent to a supermarket called Pikapolonca, after her mother moved to Sarajevo to pursue business interests, did a little bit of casting business, but prefers and loves the housewife and mother part of her life, 3 daughters, plays basketball, walks dalmatian and mountains, loves and is very good at cooking for friends, recently read Mende Nazer true story Slave, will soon make a deep dive into history books and thinks Vale Novak couple have the "bestest" recipes in the world. One day she will combine intensive travelling with leaving and cooking in a mountain hut.

Tatjana Cvrtila Ložar -Lives in Trzin, teaches English in Kamnik high school, has 2 years old twins, likes to travel a lot, also with the twins, latest trip was to Fuerteventura, is brilliant in baking cakes and sweets, also publishes recipes on kulinarika.net, recently read Muca Copatarica, is supporting children through Worldvision and will one day full devote herself to support underprivileged. Tatjanavision.

Civil weddings as opposed to animal weddings.

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