Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Elevant, Tallinn, Estonia

Elevant - a realy cool place. India, yes, with a nice touch. A total recommendation. To me. And from me. If it is bossanova you are listening to right now, then it's probably performed by Japanese, if the rhytms are Asian, they are created by some London genius of Indian origin, and the hip-hop is obviously mixed by DJs from Vienna.

Triinu Hommuk - Software Sales Manager at IBM Estonia, born and raised in Tallinn, played piano 13 years and then made a radical departure to study at TUT and work for IBM where also her father worked, sometimes have joint family concerts with her singing mother, worked also for SEB bank, walks her Labrador/German Sheppard mix Sebastian, does local merchandising for celebrities on tour, recently for Sting and soon for Kylie, owns and rides Estonian horse Eedu, although already had a bad horse inflicted injury (not Eedu), is reading HOw to raise a Puppy and is part of Laulan Sinule band since recently. One day she will raise a herd of horses and get really good in photography.

Mihkel Loderaud - Software Tech Specialist at IBM Estonia, Tallinn native and Arvo Part's neighbour in the seaside cottage, TUT gradate, used to work on SAP monitoring in IBM and later as Rational software specialist, was exchange student at Sedbergh School in UK through Soros Foundation scholarship, played rugby there, now does Kung Fu Wing Tsun, a rare female created branch of martial arts that used to be hidden behind closed doors, reads Murakami's Kafka on the shore and Content Analytics Redbook, recommends Murakami's Norwegian Wood and, did The Wilson Run and will one day do a lot more kite surfing while also be active on the other side of movie/music consumption line. Mobilizing Creative Surplus.

Nowhere in Tallinn. Tallinn is special if you are properly guided. Thanks.

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