Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Via Bona, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Via Bona - very popular and quite popular restaurant in the southern part of Ljubljana, called Vič. Pretty good service, although homeliness almost borders on intrusiveness, but the daily menus are more of a poor-ish experience.

Peter Pogacar (Pogačar) a.k.a. Paaro - stuck with his Paaro nickname since he first used it in 1993 primitive computer game Tanks/Bomb. Grew up and still lives in Kamnik, but his uncle is a priest in Chile. Paaro is a not so long ago FRI graduate and most of his professional life a freelance programmer, among others cooperated with Hal and still cooperates with Analitica. An active choir singer, 16 years for Cantemus and lately as one of Mekinjski kemblni and he actually knows what recuperation means. Avid mountaineer, was just recently on a 16 hour trek in Kamniške-Savinjske Alps. Currently reading Hans Hellmut Kirst books out of his rich bookshelf he has. One day he will travel to all the countries described in Jetlag travel guides: Molvania, Phaic Tan and san Sombrero. Way to go!

Sunny. Busy. Here. There. In. Out.

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