Monday, July 21, 2008

San Martino, Ljubljana, Slovenia

San Martino - nice pizzeria in part of town that was dying for a decent restaurant (many offices in vicinity with not much choice for business lunch. San Martino is now one of four Italian places in BTC - with the same owner, I presume.

Gregor Papez (Papež) - System Administrator at Simobil, the mobile operator. Originally from Črnomelj, now lives in Turjak (but actually not in the castle, yet). Worked also for Atlantis (translation part of the business, now known as Iolar), Hermes Softlab and Vzajemna. Reading The Joy of Perfect Health and is totally into model airplanes: has four acrobatic ones and a big DC3 has been in the making for a while now - a big gathering of such machines can be seen in Vilesse in Italy each year. Lots of money would buy him an island near Bahamas, lots of golf lessons and most probably you would often also find him close to kerosene smell.

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