Monday, December 10, 2007

Triglav, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Restaurant & Club Triglav - nice, simple, somewhat innovative place. Student friendly and a lot more attractive in the summer with nice terrace. In any season a recommendation. Bears the name of Slovenia's highest peak Triglav.

Suzana Obradovic (Obradović) - working for IBM in Austria in Software Sales Operations. Born and raised in Bijelo Polje, a city in northern Montenegro - with mayor called Tarzan. She studied Landscape Architecture in Belgrade, escaped the bombs in 1999 and went to Budapest on her journey to Canada which never fully realized. In Hungary she has had an interesting experience with a Buddhist group, started working for IBM and then moved to Vienna. Touch Rugby and Scuba Diving - preferably in Red Sea - constitute her favourite free time curriculum, along with going out with her friends all over the world. Suzana is probably one of the most intensive fan of The Little Prince story you will ever have a chance to meet. She has over 30 Little Prince books, almost all of them in different language and tied to a specific person and/or event. Given lots of investment money and unlimited options, she would first think about it for a long time and then probably decide for one way or another, how to gradually increase Human Development Index (HDI) all over the world, starting with countries on the bottom of the HDI list.

The most popular Serbian female singer Ceca in concert in Ljubljana. It has absolutely nothing to do with Suzana - apart from the chicken. Tears "falling" upwards ...

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