Ambient - a very nice, loungy type of bar/restaurant. Well worth an extended peep inside. Strong recommendation.
Tanja Bivic - nowadays mostly a TV person. Intensive debate made me forget to take her photo in Ambient, so instead I posted one from her TV shows on national RTV Slovenija. She is co-creating a set of shows called Sobotno Popoldne and is fully in charge of Labirint. Born in Murska Sobota, has lived in Zadar, Trbovlje and now in Ljubljana. Studied at FSD, worked for Allied Domecq, Jupiter and also for Teater Cizamo. One day her mother heard a radio add for TV audition and now she cannot travel very much anymore as she has a TV show to prepare every week. Besides being a bookworm - lately several cookbooks and Labyrinth - she also indulges in drawing, sailing and diving. One day she will have her own beach hotel while producing independent movies.
Norwegian Eggs - a delicious meal that you have to try while visiting Ambient. You will not find recipe for this variation of Eggs Benedict in Robert Rodriguez' Ten Minute Cooking School.
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