Thursday, December 20, 2007

Rezka, Ljubljana, Slovenia

I was not having Blog lunch with 50 cent nor with the chef next to him, but Rezka restaurant where I did have Blog lunch, provided catering for 50 cent party in Rollbar while he was visiting Ljubljana. And that's where above photo was taken.

Considering that Rezka is a sort of a canteen serving employees in and around Gradis building, it is actually a very nice place. Good food and good view - not to mention that they can count 50 cent among their (happy) customers :) If you are already somewhere near, it is a recommendation.

Jaka Bizjak - in-house counsel (lawyer) at Avtotehna Group, working primarily for Avtera. Native from Preddvor, graduated at Faculty of Law, worked for a notary office and IUS Software, before joining Avtotehna. Very much into IT as shown also through his Blog and can be found also on Linkedin. Avid snowboarder, prior to his trip to Brazil during carnival time (Salvador), he is learning Portuguese Pimsleur style. Anybody keen on kite surfing should try it in Egypt. One day he will have his own hotel on the beach with adjacent kiting and surfing club ... sounds familiar. Surf's up!

Miserable weather, yet still good overview of BTC shopping center in Ljubljana. Christmas heat building up ...

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