Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pri Stricku, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pri Stricku (Stričku) - very good and popular, hence crowded restaurant in Ljubljana, near BTC shopping city.

Rok Zaloznik (Založnik), Technical Service director at Simobil, Slovenia's second biggest mobile operator. Born and raised in Ljubljana, graduated at FRI where he used very open-source-like nickname Xfree, before joining very not-open-source-like Microsoft business. IT director position at Sparkasse was his first taste of being on the other side of the vendor-customer equation. Wife, two daughters and a lot of sports. An injury lets him do less running, but more biking and swimming - also as a member of 3K Sport. Someday his own Scuba diving center in Maldives will fill up his agenda. Stumbling on Happiness.

Cvicek (Cviček) - genuine Slovenian red wine. Not for everybody. Some would even argue calling it wine. But there are good Cvicek wines to be found. This one was good and it was accompanied by Janković water = tap water. Zoran Janković is present mayor of Ljubljana, hence the water in Ljubljana pipes is jokingly called Janković water. Fits right in the age of bottling and labeling all sorts of water.

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