Monday, November 19, 2007

City restavracija, BTC, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Bar and restaurant City on top of BTC City high-rise. Small, functional, great view and kind waitress.

Matej Caf - software engineer and IT architect at SRC.SI where he is continuing to accumulate already rich set of IT experiences, that he acquired among others while studying and working at FERI, on LabVIEW development for National Instruments and many involvements in projects in the area of J2EE, Enterprise Java in government and banking, distributed, real-time, mobile technologies and network management. Besides his passion for IT in parallel he also developed passion for stock market, golf and sailing. His all time favourite book would be Victory by Brian Tracy. Some day he will own at least one golf course and help good business ideas flourish.

Igor Rendulic (Rendulič) - software developer at SRC.SI with lots of skills in security and "ethical" hacking area. FERI graduate, he managed to break into several systems and wouldn't mind too much being labeled as a hardcore computer geek, whilst year 2007 is marked as his enter into bright golfing career. Trading stocks and options is also something you would be able to talk about with him for quie a while.

1 comment:

turtle said...

thanks for your post. made a link in my site. may you meet more people and travel more.