Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Druga pomoc, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Druga Pomoc (Pomoč) is a popular bar near Ljubljana Medical Center. The name of the place is a word game: Druga pomoc = Second Aid as opposed to First Aid. They are sponsoring Futsal team. Futsal is indoor version of football. IKEA chairs.

Igor Borojevic (Borojević), native Croatian, raised in Zapresic and recently moved from Zagreb to Ljubljana where he works at IBM as IT Architect. There was a famous general Svetozar Borojevic from Banija region, as was Igor's father. His intensive involvement in BEST brought him for a while also to Stockholm and a Swedish girlfriend to him. For a while. Graduated at FER.hr, worked for Nove Tehnologije, Combis and IBM. You will mostly see him mountain climbing, sailing, swimming and playing badminton in his off time. Nase malo misto by Miljenko Smoje. According to Igor well worth watching and reading. Not to mention The Economist itself. If I would mention Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA at this point it would not make much sense, but it is a city with very high density of bright and highly educated people, thanks mainly to Harvard and MIT. When will there be Toastmasters in Ljubljana? One of the earlier members of Zagreb Toastmasters might know the anwser. Keep the ball of favours rolling ...

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