Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Pod lipo, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pod lipo is a very popular, old (since 1820), traditional restaurant in downtown Ljubljana. Used to be (and probably stills is) also a popular students hang out.

(Primož) Primoz Veber, is a very good cook at your service. Can arrange catering events for you, cook at your place or bring everything with him to parties of all sizes. He likes to eat very good. Very much. Due to enthusiastic eating the picture is blurred:) Steak was order medium rare, but was served well done. Not good. His family name used to be Weber a couple of generations ago.
Biljana Weber is General Manager of IBM Slovenia, but they are not related. Primoz was born and raised in Ljubljana, where he also lives now, but will soon move to an ultra-low energy passive house just outside of Ljubljana which he started building with help of Arhem company. He was always in catering/restaurant business, cooking for hotels Lev, Austrotel (now Astral) and Mons and restaurants Julija, Evropa and Rotovz. He was also chef in many places and then he decided to have his own catering/cooking business. He 4 years old son and 2 years old daughter. He's an avid bicyclist, plays Tarok Klub PIK Trebnje, a member of Tarok Zveza Slovenija, used to play a lot of basketball and valley ball when younger. One of his last books was Lipa zalenela je by Bogdan Novak - a saga based on a true story. Sagas are supposed to be pretty realistic. With financial freedom, he would still do a lot of cooking and catering, because he loves it, but on top of it he would go on RAAM - The World's Toughest Bike Race (This year's race was won by Slovenian Jure Robic!). He would also visit and eat at all top culinary places around the world (such as Gordon Ramsay's that he already visited), but with his own restaurant he would not try to go for Michelin 3 stars.

"Pod lipo" means "Under linden tree". And there is a big linden tree outside, giving a nice shade in the summer. On July 10th it was so cold that ...

... everybody was inside, enjoying old-fashioned interior.

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