Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Kratochwill, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kratochwill - beer brand and a chain of pubs and restaurants. There are three of them in Ljubljana. This one is near the railway station.

Matej Merljak -
currently a graduate student at
FE, PR for EESTEC and also engaged in a lot of other extracurricular activities. Born in Gorica, grew up in Bilje in Renče. Renče is famous for off-road enthusiasm. According to Google that is :). Families by the name Merljak also have a part of town named afte them. Matej is a co-founder of MladiPodjetnik.si and Niteo and worked with Mogenas and Datalab. He is very close to an up and coming music producing group Avalonspirit - they have really interesting music and I recommend you take a test drive on their site. Many celebs connected themselves to Avalonspirit on MySpace, among them: Enya, Bras Pitt, Sting, Rihanna, Madonna, etc. Matej's reading is done mostly online - Blogs, Newsletters, RSS Feeds. He used to be an active athlete, specializing in sprint running (60m, 100m), and avid extreme in line skater, table tennis player and he still plays chess. He knows Peter Lamut. When he will have a lot, he would give a lot. To people. He's mission is Nokia like: Connecting people.

Chicken salad with melon.

Food in Kratochwill looks and is pretty good, but if you manage to take your eyes off the plate, you might see other spoils of life - such as good looking Slovenian female by passers :)

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