Thursday, July 19, 2007

Hombre, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Hombre - a popular pub and pizzeria near Gerbiceva student lodge.

Matej Golob - head of development at Datalab and ... is not me (the author of this Blog). Born in Maribor in 1976 like me, but is not me. Studied Computer Science like me, but is not me. Quite some similarities. His brother dr.Izidor Golob is working at FERI faculty in Maribor, but for Matej FERI remains an open chapter. He worked for Bavaria Woltex Company (there he was introduced to Apple Mac), Alarix, EPI Spectrum and now Datalab. Matej has two daughters and one son, likes cycling on Pohorje and does not like particularly reading books other than the technical he needs for his job.

Empty terrace. Too hot.

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