Thursday, February 16, 2006

Mexico 1867, Ljubljana, Slovenia

With Andrej Steklasa from CMT. The menus are pretty hefty. I doubt that any of, otherwise very nice and cosy place, managed to read the whole story in the begining of the menu. The ratio between female and male visitors at the point of our penetration to the place was 8 to 1. Amazing! Immediately after our arrival it changed significantly. The variety of the dishes was. due to late hours, severely cut down. We opted for soup'n'salad. How chick like aint'it? They serve Cactus drink. People speak Slovenian. Tables are reserved. Toilets are ... are. Orange language courses. Product, placement, price, promotion. Soup arrived. It's good, but I have difficulties eating this days. New teeth. All 6 in front. He pretended to enjoy chilli con carne. Right hand tortilla, left hand toilet. Salad looked deee-lecious. We were served some leftovers from Valentines - green hearts. Eating green salad with only 6 front teeth is ... requires skills. One can master it to perfection. Thank you for the dinner, Borut.

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