Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Restavracija 168, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Restavracija 168 - a big Chinese restaurant on Celovška street next to McDonalds. One of many reincarnation of this place. All you can eat and a really vast place/dome. With good and bad sides on both accounts.

Igor Maher - project manager and business consultant at Igea, born and raised in Maribor, moved to Tacen Police Academy, did a favour to Lenček and hence ended in Koper, not a uniform type, continued at EPF in Maribor, working in TV studio at the Academy, shifted him to Informatics, worked for Simt and Metalka MDS as crisis manager, also at Koper Municipality on GIS projects and lecturing all around the world on best practices from that area, was part of Tomaž Gantar for Piran mayor campaign camp, still active on LGV civic list, starting Cotrugli EMBA, was active competitive skier - picked it up again after 20 year break, grows olives, reading Business Model You - though this time not on iPad like so many other books e.g. Kirschner's Art of Egoism, member of Lions, will one day repay all bad loan of everybody around him and stop the negative spiral and turn the wheel in positive direction.

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