Monday, October 15, 2012

El Clasico, Ljubljana, Slovenia

El Clasico - A very nice place. Crowded during business lunch hours. Recommended. "The restaurant El Clasico offers their guest a genuine duel of tastes between the Mediterranean and traditional Slovene dishes. The variety and refinement of the dishes leave the guests wanting more." - by

Rok Gregorič - co-founder and CTO at DoubleRecall, Primorska native, born in Ptuj, raised in Koper, moved with DoubleRecall to Palo Alto, San Francisco, New York and now back in SF, after he started fiddling with iPhone Apps met Robert Farazin, they started Mmatcher together with Rok Krulec and Miha Rebernik, experienced venture promise without delivery, turned idea into DoubleRecall, had it up and running at and, gained interest and later backing by business angel investor turned entrepreneur Branko Drobnak, Y Combinator Alum, met Kurzweil's son at Demo day, helps and supports other young startups with valuable advice, recently read Kurzweil's Transcend and embarking on a new startup journey called Dubjoy, akin to 99designs in the wolrd of dubbing. Startup motor, oil and fuel in one person.

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