Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Trdinov Hram, Mengeš, Slovenia

Trdinov hram - a Mengeš staple with a long tradition and recently frequent management change, still serving decent meals and often hosting interesting bunch of actors from the nearby Špas Teater, including Lado Bizovičar.

Jasmina Božič - biopharmacy dept member at Lek/Sandoz, born in Kranj, raised in Ljubljana with Štajerska accent, Biotech graduate, engaged in quality assurance of EPO production, recently became one of the newest TEDxLjubljana members, loves sea and swimming, as a multi-sportswoman accepts any invitation to try new disciplines, travels a lot, bungee jumped off of 216 m Bloukrans Bridge in South Africa, met Aleš through common Prežih friends and later hence attended her first TEDx event, reading The First 90 Days, was actor in Lutkovno gledališče years ago and will one day take the team she just left, create a new company and help in bio-pharma sense society with skills that they have, enhanced with unlimited resources.

Monday, October 15, 2012

El Clasico, Ljubljana, Slovenia

El Clasico - A very nice place. Crowded during business lunch hours. Recommended. "The restaurant El Clasico offers their guest a genuine duel of tastes between the Mediterranean and traditional Slovene dishes. The variety and refinement of the dishes leave the guests wanting more." - by SloveniaHolidays.com

Rok Gregorič - co-founder and CTO at DoubleRecall, Primorska native, born in Ptuj, raised in Koper, moved with DoubleRecall to Palo Alto, San Francisco, New York and now back in SF, after he started fiddling with iPhone Apps met Robert Farazin, they started Mmatcher together with Rok Krulec and Miha Rebernik, experienced venture promise without delivery, turned idea into DoubleRecall, had it up and running at finance.si and dnevnik.si, gained interest and later backing by business angel investor turned entrepreneur Branko Drobnak, Y Combinator Alum, met Kurzweil's son at Demo day, helps and supports other young startups with valuable advice, recently read Kurzweil's Transcend and embarking on a new startup journey called Dubjoy, akin to 99designs in the wolrd of dubbing. Startup motor, oil and fuel in one person.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Restavracija 168, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Restavracija 168 - a big Chinese restaurant on Celovška street next to McDonalds. One of many reincarnation of this place. All you can eat and a really vast place/dome. With good and bad sides on both accounts.

Igor Maher - project manager and business consultant at Igea, born and raised in Maribor, moved to Tacen Police Academy, did a favour to Lenček and hence ended in Koper, not a uniform type, continued at EPF in Maribor, working in TV studio at the Academy, shifted him to Informatics, worked for Simt and Metalka MDS as crisis manager, also at Koper Municipality on GIS projects and lecturing all around the world on best practices from that area, was part of Tomaž Gantar for Piran mayor campaign camp, still active on LGV civic list, starting Cotrugli EMBA, was active competitive skier - picked it up again after 20 year break, grows olives, reading Business Model You - though this time not on iPad like so many other books e.g. Kirschner's Art of Egoism, member of Lions, will one day repay all bad loan of everybody around him and stop the negative spiral and turn the wheel in positive direction.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Bistro Avšič - restaurant and pizzeria near Koseze pond, briefly featured but later removed from Restaurant Club. Service sometimes below optimal.

Matjaž Marussig - independent software vendor, Marussig family stems from 17 century Istria, yet he was born and raised in Ljubljana, Oracle Tools professional, FME graduate, 2 kids, founder of Bravo society section and Oblačna šola, working with dyslectic children, passionate diver, reading String theory and Brian Greene and will one day create new school system, rip-and-replace style, akin to Sir Ken Robinson's vision.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Cafe Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cafe Ljubljana - convenient location on Gosposvetska in center of Ljubljana, other than that no bling-blings, just coffee or tea and a bunch of Foursquare check-ins.

Ana Skrt - journalist at Radio Slovenia - Prvi program, raised in Kanal ob Soči - a typical market town, with below average Italian language usage due to weak Italian TV signal, but which is not Most na Soči, Skrt is a native name from a hill above where also not related pianist Ivan Skrt is coming from, FDV graduate, Erasmus Exchange in Eskisehir started with a tough week , but brought her invaluable comparative insight, Lisbon was her second Erasmus choice - wanted seaside so bad, she would study Portuguese for that, worked for Radio Koper before moving to the national radio, she really wanted and now is finally doing night program, loves to travel and continuously search for interesting topics and people, reading Mojca Širok Oblast brez obraza and will one day have a Mojca Mavec Čez planke-style show enabling her to meet even more new and interesting people and places.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Kavarna Rustika, Mercator Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kavarna Rustika, Mercator Center - for chocolate and ice cream lovers or just a nice cup of coffee after  exhaustive shopping. Relax and pump up the sugar in your life.

Barbara Kotlušek -  CEO & Founder at Zaposlim delodajalca, born and raised in Ljubljana, mother from Carinthia, lives in Vnanje Gorice, misses city life, but enjoys garden grill benefits of a house, all Kotlušeks in Slovenia presumably related including Olympian Nada, graduated at FDV, worked for Lenovo, freelance marketing professional, might end up in HR 2.0 area, differentiates job seeking space through mini/maxi challenges (izzivi), once sent ice-picker to mayor Janković as an ice-breaker and got the meeting, has 2-yer old daughter, had opportunity to think about what she would do if she had more time = seamstress, once wanted to be a hairdresser, reading Vesna Milek's Kalipso, will one day write books, starting with a biography, while starting up additional projects.