Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Rožna Hiša, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Rožna Hiša - "We've always had the impression that this is one of the places Slovene university professors like to take visiting academics for a relaxed meal their first day in town. The menu has a bit of everything, the prices are reasonable and whole place has a warm congenial atmosphere that's conducive to lingering over a post-meal espresso or bottle of wine - especially when sitting outside on a warm night. Of course, the fact that it's located in Rožna Dolina, a quiet university neighbourhood, might have something to do with it as well." - by InYourPocket

Zoran Arsov - researcher and project manager at IJS, born in Ljubljana, raised in Domžale and Trzin, Macedonian Arsov roots, Physics graduate, PhD in biophysics at FMF, works also as an assistant at FMF and FFA, has 3 kids, enthusiastic basketball player, does not read fiction very often, TED fan, recently discovered TEDxLjubljana and will one day hire top worldwide professors, move them to Ljubljana to motivate and open minds of future generations. Knowledge Prometheus on the sunny side of the Alps.

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