Monday, September 17, 2012

Fratelli Fresh CBD, Sydney, Australia

Fratelli Fresh - "Upgrade your supermarket sushi and throw away that sloppy pad Thai. Lunchtime just took on a brand new meaning with the opening of Fratelli Fresh and Café Sopra on Bridge Street in the CBD. It’s just like the other venues in Walsh Bay, Waterloo and Potts Point, in that it’s one part fruit and vegetorium (Fratelli Fresh) and part casual restaurant/trattoria (Café Sopra). But that’s where the similarities end." - by TimeOut Australia

David Šimenc - Slovenian Aussie, product logistics manager at epay, a Euronet division, born and raised in Kranj - Primskovo, lived also in Kampala, London and now Bondi Beach in Sydney, while Šimenc family roots are in Češnjevek, worked for Edirisa's Miha Logar at Lake Bunyoni, managed hostel, was swimming instructor, befriending UN team got him into Congo, hitchiked from Uganda to South Africa, but never reached it, worked for 1927 in London, entagling with an Aussie girl moved them both to Sydney, worked for Line7Trixan and opened his own OZshop site, recently became proper Aussie citizen in Waverly Council ceremony, surfer, swimmer, climber, snowboarder, traveller and Aussie party-maker/goer, reading and recommends Life of Pi and will one day have an island in South Pacific with an interesting resort - natural, yet western-ish clean and structured, while involved in side projects not unlike bee-keeping in Uganda, he did once.

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