Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sputnik Cosmic Caffe, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sputnik - "Modern and trendy, yet welcoming and unpretentious, Sputnik may be more known as a nightlife venue for Ljubljana's up and coming elite, but during the day it's a popular breakfast and lunch time stop for out-of-town businessmen, white collar workers with offices nearby, and even the odd student who appreciates a subtle ambiance. The menu changes daily, but it tends to lean towards lighter Mediterranean fare with pastas, soups, salads and the like. One of the warm breakfasts accompanied by a strong espresso is a great way to start a day." - by InYourPocket Ljubljana

Marko Petković - Co-founder and CEO at Slidemotion, earned first money by selling New Year's greeting cards when he was six, later selling bags with Istrian graphics in camp  for his father, FE graduate, lead power generation division for Siemens in Slovenia, started Centra Design also in Energetics market, creating many home videos out of pictures brought him to Slidemotion step in his life, has 2 sons, reads a lot of non-fiction books, recommends The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, likes Simon Sinek, played clarinet in PPO Vevče, now getting better and better at playing synthesizer - currently on a new Yamaha PSR S550, travels a lot - recently to Zambia, sailer on Topcat catamaran and will one day earn a psychology degree and then consult on how things can actually get done and seemingly impossible achieved. Mission Psyhossible.

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