Thursday, July 26, 2012

Frks, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Frks - "We usually don't make such lofty pronouncements, but as far as we're concerned this tiny take-away on Kongresni Trg makes the best wraps in town. The menu isn't overwhelming in terms of options, but most of what they do have are exotic concoctions of ingredients that we never would have thought of putting together - that's probably why they make tasty wraps and we write travel guides." - by InYourPocket Ljubljana

Domen Kert - young entrepreneur in the making, born and raised in Ravne with Bavarian roots, just started drinking coffee and calls her grandma "bica", proud Galaxy S III user, second cousin to Vid Kavtičnik, and related to Members of Parliament Göncz, was part of the winning team at Ljubljana StartUp, likes going out of comfort zone and make new connects i.e. with Sandi Češko or President Türk, used to work for Linea Directa, EF graduate, about to become EarPeace distributor, bought golf club set, but never actually made a proper swing yet, reading Millionaire Messenger, 4 Hour Work Week and Thinking Fast and Slow, avid tennis player and Federer fan, will soon do it on new grass court in TPLJ, listens to MorningCoach and will one day have his own Dragn's Den without cameras, support lifting mindset and offer Lumosity as a free service to everybody on the planet. Entreprenosity.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Sputnik Cosmic Caffe, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Sputnik - "Modern and trendy, yet welcoming and unpretentious, Sputnik may be more known as a nightlife venue for Ljubljana's up and coming elite, but during the day it's a popular breakfast and lunch time stop for out-of-town businessmen, white collar workers with offices nearby, and even the odd student who appreciates a subtle ambiance. The menu changes daily, but it tends to lean towards lighter Mediterranean fare with pastas, soups, salads and the like. One of the warm breakfasts accompanied by a strong espresso is a great way to start a day." - by InYourPocket Ljubljana

Marko Petković - Co-founder and CEO at Slidemotion, earned first money by selling New Year's greeting cards when he was six, later selling bags with Istrian graphics in camp  for his father, FE graduate, lead power generation division for Siemens in Slovenia, started Centra Design also in Energetics market, creating many home videos out of pictures brought him to Slidemotion step in his life, has 2 sons, reads a lot of non-fiction books, recommends The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, likes Simon Sinek, played clarinet in PPO Vevče, now getting better and better at playing synthesizer - currently on a new Yamaha PSR S550, travels a lot - recently to Zambia, sailer on Topcat catamaran and will one day earn a psychology degree and then consult on how things can actually get done and seemingly impossible achieved. Mission Psyhossible.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Pri Škofu, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pri Škofu - "Hidden down a small side street in Krakovo, Pri Škofu is a long-time favourite of cash-strapped university students who still like to enjoy a proper meal from time to time, and you're virtually guaranteed to see at least a couple bespectacled hipsters seated at a table nearby. The €8 lunch specials come in obscenely large portions and are one of the best values in town. Although there's no menu it's also possible to order à la carte, and an English-speaking waitress will gladly rattle off what's available" - by InYourPocket Ljubljana

Andrej Černigoj - assistant to MEP Alojz Peterle, born and raised in Vipava valley, which he still dreams about, scout member, active in many student societies and clubs such as ŠKIS, DOS and ŠOS, worked for Mercator, sent unsolicited letters with CV to all 7 Slovenian MEPs, Alojz called back and offered internship,     solutions for solving non-employability of youth is currently on his map of ideas, actively networked with Slovenians in Brussels, staying in Belgium had a positive impact on his food perceptation - qualitatively and quantitatively, now he also runs regularly usually late in the evening, reading mostly EU reports, recently on Acta, recenty watched Too Big To Fail, expecting his first child soon and will one day renovate all castles in Slovenia and organize a web of vibrant tourism stories around them.

Bicycles in this part of Ljubljana are a privileged species. Cars need to back off on the street.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Gostilna Katrca, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gostilna Katrca - "Specialising in Tuscan cuisine, this century-old inn has a menu that puts most of its competition to shame. Going well beyond the run-of-the-mill noodle and sauce offerings, this is the place to tuck into some truly fantastic creations, such as pasta with prawns, bacon and chilli pepper or truffle and honey risotto. The meat dishes are also a cut above most, with horse, turkey and wild boar taking centre stage. The recently renovated premises also include several spacious and well-equipped rooms upstairs" by InYourPocket Guide

Simon Ražman - co-founder and CEO at e-manent, born and raised in Koper, zoo technology graduate, worked at Banka Koper, already developed Mlekomat business case in 1995, unfortnatelly 10 years before the trend kicked in, used to have long hair and heavy metal style,  currently among Top20 LinkedIn Slovenes, same generation as Peter Brenko and Andrej Nabergoj, and would without limitations still be developing innovative solutions that would help companies be more agile and effective.