Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Klopčič - Dom Litostroj, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Klopčič - not at all pretentious, workers lunch place near Litostroj, doing decent catering also. Recommended for reality check on multiple levels. Sobering, recession proof.

A.K. - Associate dean at ERUDIO Business School, born and raised in Kranj, lives in Adergas under Štefanja gora, Erudio is latin for instruct/cultivate, used to work for FSD, was school counsellor and taught knowledge management, runs 21km with Runtastic, likes swimming, has 4 kids, listens to Audible books, recently Gladwell's Outliers and recommends The Happiness Advantage, plays Teach Me French to kids during bedtime and will one day improve school system in general to be more goal oriented and proactive, not unlike Kipp in US.

A safe bet that Klopcic is the biggest bang for the buck. Or fullest stomach for the Euro in this case.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Gostilna Rok, Krtina, Slovenia

Gostilna Rok - not very well known, almost hidden. A hidden gem nonetheless. OK, some polishing still needed, but no regrets even if you stumble upon it by chance. Great service, great shady terrace for hot summer days. And summer it was: day 1. Hot day 1.

Cees Nieboer - HeRoes group founder and owner and LearningPaths representative for EMEA, Dutch native, Haag born, Rotterdam raised, father born  in Indonesia, used to work for IBM years ago in AS/400 marketing, later IBM leasing agency, played and was tennis instructor in Brunei, ISO9000 certification consultant job - mostly via API - had him travelling a lot, moved to Dubai for 11 years, golf HCP 14, Lumina Learning also in portfolio, just finished Have A Nice Conflict, has 4 kids and 1 granddaughter and will one day totally devote himself to animal welfare - establishing shelters. Long live cats and other animals in need.

Rihard Rifelj - business development manager at HeRoes, Novo Mesto born and raised, redeveloped Dolenjska accent, not related to Matej Rifelj, knows his family tree all the way back to 1620, EF graduate and AIESEC Alumni member, Cotrugli Scholarship contest finalist, read Skok v Smetano, in free time works in wineyard, adores home produced Cviček and will one day put all his talents and efforts into promoting Krka tourism - Cviček included. 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Buon Piatto, Mengeš, Slovenia

Buon Piatto - a well known and established pasta&pizza place in Mengeš. Worth trying. Many times. Good food, great service.

Simon Meglič - founder and CEO at ePrvak, grew up in Vir, office in Mengeš, EF graduate, FRI post graduate, worked for Kompas Group, later acquired by Adriatica.net, helped operate and optimize potovanje.si and lastminutecenter.si portals among others, went through 100 Top Tržnikov program, is lecturing UX, does usability testing and sees this as the real growth future, also avid traveller and operates Potnik.si e-zine/community, Logatec Rotary club member, recently read and recommends Champan's Five Love Languages and will one day dedicate himself to travelling and building travel community, while testing and help improve hotel experiences.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Gostilna Jerinček, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gostilna Jerinček - down the road of the more famous Jurček, but still a decent quick-business lunch place. Daily menus, fast service, efficiency over fancy. Throughput optimized with a nice terrace. 

Mitja Simčič - founder and owner of Kupi, not related to Simčič wines, FRI graduate, did parallel EF study, but dropped it disappointed, Cotrugli MBA Alumni and just recently elected Alumni Club President, started with golf, used to be a DJ, regular Ibiza goer, recently married, re-read Sun Tzu's Art of War, plans to read 360 Degree Feedback, will one day end up as teacher and coach, probably in the field of mathematics and problem solving, while - through wife's influence - becoming increasingly eco-friendly and animal friendly. Solving the Art of 360 Degree Caring.