Thursday, December 8, 2011

Vozi Miško, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Vozi Miško - with a strong sense of Yugoslav nostalgia, located in Mercator shopping centre, inspired by Ko to tamo pjeva, 1980 Yugoslav comedy movie. Recommended. Not only for the old times sake.

Herbert Paar - System Engineer and CTO at KidComm and prolific developer, born and raised in Maribor, moved around for work a lot: Vienna, Graz, New York City, Dallas/Fort Worth, finalist at iTime 2011 competition, ran WideLabs kodierschweinchenfarm, worked at apc interactive solutions AG, a Philips joint venture, GlobalComm, Atos Origin and Roche Diagnostics, working on QPortal, golf player, reading Accelerando, a Stross' book on Singularity and will one day deploy a working solution for automated behavior pattern recognition. Just in time for singularity. 

The original Sarajevo coffee serving. With all the details and perks. A must have.

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