Monday, December 19, 2011

GP Trojane, Trojane, Slovenia

GP Trojane - before the highway was built, this was a must-have-donut-stop on the way to and from Štajerska. Nowadays it calls for a detour. A delicious one, nonetheless.

Marko Raičević - Expert advisor and development team leader at Abanka, about to move on, Grosuplje native, Montenegro father roots, great-great-grandpa was decorated by King Nicholas I, FRI graduate, just about to finish FOV MSc, started at Abanka as Delphi developer, worked also for Hypo Alpe Adria Bank, basketball player and body-pumper, loves early and late seasons at Adriatic sea, reading Lindstrom's Brandwashed, engaged in Ypsilon education project, working to install wind-power on family estate in Montenegro and will one day help people drive ideas to realization by finding finance and connections, while keeping focus on youth and children in need. Youthpreneurship.

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