Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pri Poku, Brezovica, Slovenia

Pri Poku - "Serving travellers on the main road from Vienna to Trieste since the late 18th century, Pri Poku is one of the most storied accommodation options in or around Ljubljana - legend has it that Napoleon Bonaparte even spent the night here whilst visiting his recently acquired Illyrian provinces. While recent years have seen the place completely renovated and brought up to modern standards, the cosy rooms maintain a timeless traditional quality, and the premises also include a small conference centre, restaurant and wine cellar." - by In Your Pocket Ljubljana

Stane Moškon - Partner at OSIR, establishing member of Nuclear Power Generation Special Interest Group, one of the most connected Slovenians on Linkedin, Vrhnika native, AmCham Slovenia member, avid sailor, big game and deep sea fishing lover - soon to enjoy it in Maldives, mountaineer - at least 10 x over 2000m per year, discovered adventure travel with PZS, before arrival of Shappa like tours and will one day return soul and give new face to an old house near Vipava - while keeping strong ties with Nuclear community. Radiating peace. 

They sure do have a selection. Kudos to Pernod Ricard ex-Alied Domecq. Henry's team's legacy.

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