Monday, October 17, 2011

Element, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Element - was here before, will come again. Still recommended. Especially on sunny autumn days with chill out music on the terrace.

Igor Košir - CEO at Smart Com, the communications solutions company, born and raised in Gorica, MBA Radovljica graduate, worked for Collegium and Schneider Electric before Jože came on board, almost moved to Barcelona, two children, used to travel a lot before they arrived, NYC, California, Hawaii, Malawi, Tanzania, in Kenia robbed by Police, Thailand, now enjoys camping in Bale, is always on the lookout and knows good hidden restaurants, is reading Zero Base Pricing, mountain biker and skier like a true Slovenian, was KGŠ president once and will one day invest all his talent and energy in water management and treatment. Crystal clear. 

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