Thursday, June 2, 2011

Subito, BTC, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Subito - Italian place under Kolosej multipleks. Decent pasta and pizzas. Recommended, especially if you've already seen the movie upstairs.

Marko Vahen - Key Account Manager at IBM Slovenia, born and raised in Ljubljana, his family had a castle in Carinthia in 12th century, but unfortunately sold it, tour guide and the party voice of Mondial Travel in his younger years, worked for Diners Club and Episcenter, lived in Milano half a year, is planning to climb Kilimanjaro with his wife - soon, scuba and sky diver, enjoyed horse riding in Mongolia with Lifetrek team, is reading about Fateful Choices that changed the course of WWII, is recommending it, but his all time favourite is Dorian Gray and when the stars will line up for him, he will help Tomo Križnar with his cause - and maybe make him stay in TV studio a bit longer to convince some more people about the causes worth fighting for. Indeed.

Big electric brother leading small rent-a-brothers back home. Bicikelj in action. Unfortunately not yet in BTC.

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