Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pavza, BTC, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pavza - new business lunch place close to Kristalna palača. Very satisfied. Recommended.

Dalia Pušnik - ISV & Developer Relations Programs Manager, mixed roots from Varaždin and Vojvodina, came to IBM via Tina Žmuc Reflak, started in Pelko's department, worked for District Court - boring in terms of actual work, but very interesting in terms of what you hear in sessions, also worked for Dairy Queen, was never pulled over by police, two kids, recently moved to new flat where she also has place and time for Alan Ford, crosswords and sweets, family is on the first spot by a huge margin, regular in Arboretum Volčji Potok - huge fans of this park, determined that women smokers should definitely stop while pregnant and will one day full time coach people how to dress up stylish and according to their personality while fully enjoying family life. Style up!

Grass around and on Kristalna palača ...

... grows astonishingly quick ... :)

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