Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sokol, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Gostilna Sokol - perfect location for attracting tourists in Ljubljana old town, yet they are in for a treat - local cuisine included. Recommended.

Benjamin Dobnikar - physics student and entrepreneur, from Komenda, not related to Aleš Dobnikar, as physics study is almost done, he is about to start MBA at Cotrugli, co-founded Spletni Prijatelj, was recently in Sarajevo, read about wartime on Wikipedia, but Ratko Mladic was not yet captured at that time, rooted his Galaxy with Gingerbread, but does not recommend others to do it - yet, is reading Orwell's 1984 and professional articles on the web, Southpark fan, started running career with full marathon in sight and had a rather strenuous experience in Radenci, was part of BEST MacGyver contest and if no barres held, he would make significant impact by finishing fusion research as he is already ardent proponent of nuclear energy.

Many old houses in Ljubljana old town are vacant - it can be seen by dark windows in evening hours. Also confirmed by notorious prof.Suhadolc. Many times it seems to be too complicated to sell or invest and rent. Should it be forced?

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