Friday, February 13, 2009

Menzies Airport Lounge, Prague, Czech Republic

Menzies Aviation Lounge - serving "Schengen flyers" only. Nice, quiet and most important - pretty empty. No white wine. Damn :)

(Tomaž) Tomaz Vincek - IBM System p senior tech specialist. With presumably Czech/Polish origin, Vincek is also "probably Zagreb’s most popular dessert hangout" as described by IYP Zagreb. Long ago he used to program controlling apps that would fit to 8K memory, has no cakes for birthday, adores Belgium chocolate and denounces chocolate attributes to anything that has less than 70% cocoa in it. For the past three years slowly, but relentlessly accumulating "soaring" hours to earn his glider license. Reads Steel Rain and immensely enjoys beer drinking pleasures. One day he will transform himslef into a jewelry maker. And have an ice cold pint o'beer. Cheers!

Nokia E90 and a "light" paperback. Professional business traveler's devoted companions.

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