Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Manna Euthentic Lounge, Budapest, Hungary

Manna Euthentic Lounge - Buda is the posh side of Budapest. Manna is the posh side of Buda. A very nice place. Especially nice in summertime when the happening spills on the terrace with DJ keeping demand for sparkling sky high. Gotta come at least once. Next time we'll check Olympic - or something like that.

Peter Lakhegyi - developer of international business at AAM Technologies. Father Lakhegyi works at IBM. Educated in Miskolc Egyetem, virtual photonics practice in Berlin, worked for IBM HU, Avnet HU and Avnet Australia before joining AAM. Recently participated at MEFTEC2009 in Bahrain. Had an Indian teacher in Australia that was drinking water through nose, is reading Oscar Wilde series, adores snowboarding and watches Dallas on storytv4. One day he will buy history and give it to the ones that don't have it.

"Manna has the most extensive selection of champagnes in Budapest. Paired with caviar, it is the perfect starter for a special celebration." - as per Budapest Week. All of Hungary only gets 6 bottles of Salon (the one on the photo) per year. Cheers!

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