Monday, April 21, 2008

Kaval club, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Kaval club - very nice place and very popular, despite not so convenient location. Popularity goes through the roof in spring/summer time when they start serving outside on the terrace. Thumbs up. Several times.

Aleks Jakulin, AI guru with a Ph.D. in Machine Learning and co-founder of Originally from Sežana, but moved around a lot ever since he was young. Recent move brought him back to Slovenia from Columbia University in New York. Among tons of stuff he has done is also coauthoring of PNG - the lossless data compression image format. Parallel book reader, recently finished The Symbolic Species and recommends The Selfish Gene. To mitigate the risk of forgetting something really important, one tends not to write too much about him - as there would be just too much to write about :) Enjoying every bit of engaging discussion, though. Anytime.

Large, pretty much always full parking place. Kaval club fell victim to their own success. Sweet surrender for the owners, I guess.

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