Sunday, April 13, 2008

Boma, Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa

Boma is a synonym for open-air dinner place for tourist groups in Africa. Visitors of Sun City are usually taken to a Boma dinner-show event in Pilanesberg National Park. Boma is a word in Swahili and several other African languages, meaning an enclosure such as a fort or a livestock pen. We were livestock treated exceptionally well. Great food, great service, great wine and great entertainment. Great employer :)

Borut Tomazic (Tomažič) - Key Account Manager at IBM in Slovenia, responsible for Public Sector. Native from Litija, where he returned after a short period in Bled. Worked most of his life for IBM, while all the time nurturing his passion for bikes - currently driving Honda ST1300. Crazy about his two daughters, and just stopped smoking and is currently reading Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy for the fourth time
. If he would not work, he would spent even more time with his kids, bikes and even take up golf. I am waiting for you at the tee :)

Too many cooks ... can actually produce really delicious dinner, for many many guests. dZihan&Kamien was the selected background music of choice while several top performers were receiving awards. Corporation at its best.

Baboons. From nice and friendly to annoying and obnoxious. Watch out, they like the smell of leather wallets.

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