Friday, March 21, 2008

Luka Gourmet Lunch Cafe, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Luka Gourmet Lunch Cafe, a nice, small restaurant in the heart of old town in Ljubljana. Cozy atmosphere and good food. They are so focused on food and service that they actually forgot to update their website. Don't mind the daily menu for November 11 2006 on the website and still do come. It's well worth it.

Marko Zagar (Žagar) a.k.a Mark Sawyer (žaga = a saw). Currently working for Varnost Ljubljana, with experiences also from Banka Domžale and Xerox. At home in Dobovlje, two young kids. Has a blog on Ski Challenge 08 tips'n'tricks and loves sport in general - an all grounder. Co-creator of Partynet - what goes on there, you can see here. Recently finished a fascinating story by Marlo Morgan and recommends 100 Strokes of the Brush Before Bed. Sports. Sports. Sports.

Luka Gourmet have their own branded Teran red wine. 2006 was a good one.


Anonymous said...

When I lived there in from 2005-2009 the food was great too! I was never much of a fan of Terran thought I preferred Slovenian white wines. I think they make some amazing whites. Did you go to Piran yet?

Anonymous said...

Sorry, didn't realize you were from Slovenia. Great photos! I miss Slovenia a lot so your blogs been really nice reading!