Friday, March 7, 2008

Hvala za rože, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Hvala za rože (Thank you for the flowers) - a newly opened bar and night club in Ljubljana. No web presence yet, but there were some disputes over loud crowds in the night.

Peter Poles - a pretty famous TV guy in Slovenia, hence no extensive introduction necessary as you can easily Google up info about him. Currently occupied with the show Zvezde Pojejo (Singing Stars). Born and raised in Velenje, worked as a tourist guide for Collegium, likes to play Texas hold'em with friends and is currently reading The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe. Hvala za rože was birthday party place of choice for him and friend Alan. Also noted on the #1 gossip journal site Happy birthday - this one and the one that comes - in much less then a year :)

Hvala za rože is a remodeled underground fish market. Funky place, enjoying the ride on the wave of "newly-opened-need-to-see" hype, equipped with several very intriguing rooms. You're encouraged to come and take a closer look.


jaka said...

Se je to končno uradno odprlo?

Matej said...

Whatever je uradno ... po polnoči so v lokal spustili "vse ostale", kar verjetno pomeni, da lokal dela.