Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Hotel Lev, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Apple and IBM. Once fierce rivals ...

Lobby bar in
Hotel Lev - one of top 3 in Ljubljana.

Rodrigo Olivares - helping develop business and gives advise in (business related) people relationships - based on his long year experience in this field in a multicultural environment. Born in
Patagonia part of in Chile. He Left Chile for Ecuador with his newly wedded (1 day) wife during Chile coup in 1973. From Ecuador he had a chance to move to Brazil, Australia or Porto Rico. He decided for Porto Rico and later went to live in Boston, New Hampshire, Boca Raton, Venezuela and now he lives in Miami. His English still reveals his Chilean roots :) He graduated at University of Chile and had several smaller jobs before he was employed by Burroughs Corporation as a sales rep. Later he had a long career with Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC). He was founder of DEC office in Venezuela. After DEC he worked for Tandem Computers, but when Tandem changed management, he moved to IBM to develop Storage business in Latin America. He also worked in NetworkPC, SAN and LifeScience areas before finally settling in Tivoli Channel business. While with DEC he had IEP class at INSEAD. He used to run a lot. Almost every day for 29 years - equivalent distance of 1,5 times around the globe. Then his hip was damaged and it needed repair. His latest/favourite books: The Four Agreements (by Don Miguel Ruiz based on observations of the ancient Mayas), The World is Flat and The Da Vinci Code. He likes cooking and having friends over to his house. He organizes parties and everything he says is truthful. Family: 29 years old son (with MBA working for Wrigley in Chicago), 27 years old daughter Paula and 23 years old daughter Pia. His current dream is to be a rancher, raising good stock. Time and money permitting, he would also do more coaching. Especially on fairness and relationships.


JBT said...

You'll never see one sticking TP logo on a MacBook! :-)

Anyway, Lev's lobby is really good place to sip coffee and discuss business. Domina is also nice with those dark, private areas :-)

Lex said...


I work in INSEAD's marketing department. Am getting in touch as we recently changed web domain and noticed you have a link to the INSEAD site on this blog post (IEP class). Here is the correct link: executive-education.insead.edu.

Many thanks
Marketing Manager
INSEAD Executive Education