Friday, March 9, 2007

FrescCo, Maremagnum, Barcelona, Spain

Bridge to Maremagnum in Barcelona.

Columbus. Went to America and back and now he's stuck on the statue at the end of La Rambla.

Pizza, salad and drink. Looks good only on picture. Low resolution.

Fresc Co. All you can eat place. Not very tasty.

Andrej Jenko, storage solution specialist on the way to become an ITIL specialist. Born and raised in Ljubljana. He has a Chinese connection as he is related to prof. Mitja Saje from Sinology department. As his Electronics study still remains an open chapter, he's got himself some working experience having IT jobs (networking, admin, storage, ...) at Advant, Vega (failed 3rd mobile operator in Slovenia). His last employer Simt entered Vega with storage deal and at the end snapped him, just before the ship went down. He likes tennis and is a life long football player. He has 4 year old son, 1 year old daughter and the third one well on its way. His latest book was one of the Lord of the Rings books. Having too much time and money to spend, he would make something happen in sports. Andrej is using dual grammatical number correctly. This is good. And rare to hear.

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