Saturday, February 9, 2008

Manastirska Magernitsa, Sofia, Bulgaria

Manastirska Magernitsa is a very good restaurant with killing-funny menus. This is exactly why they beg you not to still them. A must visit when in Sofia. Great food, great wine, great fun. Prepare to spend at least 15 minutes just reading the menu.

Svetoslav Tolev - Technical Consultant in EMC Bulgaria office in Sofia. Tolev was the first name of his great-grandfather. Raised and educated in Sofia, worked for Teza, Bulmag and very recently joined EMC. Crazy about sailing, won some awards with Conrad Peterson sailboats and reads The Good Soldier Svejk every couple of years. He likes traveling and he really likes what he is doing. The job. The tech stuff.

In this traditional Bulgarian setup resturant, you can often find Austrian Airline stewardesses. Some call them trolley-dollies. A term for all of them, not only Austrians Airline ones.

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