Friday, July 20, 2007

Namaste, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Namaste is a very nice and so far the only Indian restaurant in Ljubljana. You can get Indian food also in restaurant Okarina in Bled and there's another Indian place in Maribor. Namaste is owned and managed by a Slovenian-Indian couple. The lady boss might be featured on this blog in the near future.

We had very good masala chai, staple thali lunch and finished with a very good sweet. Food was really good and very authentic - confirmed by Gregor Tavcar himself, as he has seen a lot of India so far.

Gregor Tavcar (Tavčar) - traveller by nature and traveller by profession with his
Char brand. Born and raised in Gorica, with family roots in Cerkljansko - region around Cerkno. Not related to Ivan Tavčar, who was a very famous Slovenian writer. Gregor graduated at EF (post-graduate degree still pending). While studying he has done a lot of different kind of jobs among them swimming&skiing instructor, waiter, tourist guide for Collegium and marketing position at Premisa. Lately he decided to focus his efforts solely on travelling profession. His non paying pleasures are mountain biking&downhill, kayak, even more travel, football and occasionally some good electronic music dance party. No water, no moon by Osho was the latest book he read. When time&money will allow him, he will be engaged in direct community help&development in some remote places outside Europe. He has a table full of proverbs (copied or invented) such as: "No matter how slow, as long as it is moving.", "Life's a stage: you come, see and go. Everyone on his own stage.") His biggest accomplishment so far is achieving his professional independence with his own work and brand. VoipDiscount is on many occasions cheaper than Skype.

Very interesting wooden box in which the bill was brought in.
Makes you wanna tip :)

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