Friday, July 13, 2007

Cacao, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Cacao is an ice cream terrace in the center of Ljubljana.

They serve very good ice cream and fruit cups, but their best feature is the location, of course.

Iztok Sumak (Ĺ umak) - working for IBM, providing relationship, guidance and help to IBM SW VADs (Distributors) in South East Area region. Born in Maribor, grew up in
Ljutomer and then moved back to Maribor. The old Sumak family from Ljutomer was a pretty big one. His grandfather started his own business as an egg dealer that eventually led him to have customers all over Europe - on top of that he managed to get all his children to university. Graduated at FERI, started working for Simt as a student (selling computer screen filters), later for Lancom and now IBM. When younger he enjoyed playing valley ball, windsurfing (back then made by Imgrad in Ljutomer), shooting air gun and playing piano and classic guitar. Today he has 4 kids - 3 sons and a girl - loves biking and skiing on Pohorje and shooting quality photos with his old Minolta x700, newer Canon D30 and a Mamiya camera. He's a member of Fotoklub Maribor and his latest book was On photography by Susan Sontag. More time = more biking. "Let's laugh, tomorrow might be worse" in Murphy's Law sense :)

Ancient postman and his bicycle ... still alive in Ljubljana.

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