Indeks Caffe - a nice place in the centre, by name alluding to their prime segment thy are catering to. Though in top summer time season not many students are to be seen. Shade and coffee.
Anuška Cerovšek Beltram - co-founder and CEO of STA Ljubljana | Krško background with Celje influence in dialect | her mother was art teacher in the school she went to - with all the usual pros and cons | was active swimmer, swam to top 3 in Yugoslavia, but was always beaten by PR lady Mojca Ocvirk | liked EF for same reason as Andrej liked FDV | wanted to go to USA Summer Work Camp, was too late and next year opted for KityHawk Work & Travel via STA Zagreb, which later spawned STA Ljubljana - linked to STA Travel but not a franchise | Ivan went to Work Experience USA through them and then also worked for them | recommends Cinema Komunisto and Into the Wild soundtrack | 2 small kids | does not watch and read news, no TV, no paper | ardent kiter, recently in Dakhla | reading The Lean Startup with Lost in Italy waiting in line | one day, she will gather all the media together and convince them to dedicate one day per week to good and inspiring stories only, while also will help eager and interesting sustainable travellers crowd-fund their endeavours | a big TED and TEDx fan | photo obviously not from Indeks Caffe - it happens :)