Thursday, December 6, 2012

Saporito, Berlin, Germany

Saporito - a very nice authentic, Italian place. Even fully crowded feels good. Worth trying and coming back, too. Pasta e Vino. 

Patrik Winkler - Financial Analyst at German Startups Group, born and raised in Nürnberg, currently lives in Berlin, Winkler Bräu unfortunately not related, studying Business at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, worked also for Impact IRC and Smart Mobile Factory, studied at Bond University in Australia, recently volunteered at TEDxBerlin, sports guy, reading Never Eat Alone and started reading Paul Graham blog, he could earn his living playing football, will make Before I Die walls in Nurnberg and a bigger one in Berlin, doing also Stanford Venture Lab courses, was inspired by Gloria Lin and Do-Bands, listens to Sinatra and James Brown and will one day devote his energy and ideas to create something to help people, e.g. starting with homeless people in Berlin, while he hates people bitching about life.

Menu in cents. Triple digits delights.

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