Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Eksperiment, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Eksperiment - "Offering a bit of everything for everyone, Eksperiment is a difficult place to get a good feel for, which makes the name all the more appropriate. Judging solely from the interior décor and soft moody lighting, you would be forgiven for thinking it's an upscale Asian eatery or trendy bar, while in actuality it's a morning till late night restaurant that specialises in grilled chicken and pork ribs, and serves homemade beer by the pitcher. Of course they also offer breakfast, a fine selection of coffee and an impressive drinks menu, so make of it what you will." - by InYourPocket

Roni Kordiš a.k.a. Had - born and raised in Zagorje with strong and proud local accent, now lives in Izlake, father roots in Kočevje, was repelled from FRI by sheer prospect of Neža Mramor Kosta's Analiza (Calculus) lectures, continued on FOV, but decided not to finish just couple of steps before the finish line with thesis already written (darn!), many years at Ultra with interesting insights, briefly at and then in start-up founding team currently on hold, about to launch and be part of Deluxe brand-agency-like problem-solver-solution-maker, 10 years skiing training and 7 years handball training behind him, recently read Jessica Livingston's Founders at Work, was convinced by wife back in 2005 to start writing his Had blog that he named after Hades, writing also DigitalHell and SloPR blogs, mountain hiker and biker, starting running career with first 42k marathon coming up in 2013, with unlimited resources he would devote even more time to blogging, while actively financialy support fledgling start-up scene in Slovenia - like a VC minus stellar expectations. Thrive the playground will.

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