Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Boccaccio Dravlje, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Boccaccio - picestavracija (pizzestaurant). Two locations, both very nice places. Recommended. Whole grain pizza dough included.

Andrej Šolinc - owner and sales manager at Klaro, grew up in Tržič, known as a big pizza buyer as the whole company would buy/deliver on his name from Hallo Pinki, started FRI, switched to FOV, worked for Didacta and Infos, has a 1 year old kid, is a big pizza lover and a regular at Azur, where they always order Radičeva pizza with draft Erdinger beer, also wine aficionado, co-organizer of Slovenian Wine Festival, just bought new kitchen and will go from zero to chef, Rotary and BNI member, reads a lot - recently Propad civilizacij and A Storm of Swords, started running - influenced by Wega blog who recently bough a pair of On Cloudrunners. One day he will teach in school, while still be involved in sales and business development and wood related business will not be far.
Disclaimer: it was another of those intense debates, so the photo at the place did not happen and I had to steal it from his FB profile :) 

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